Weitere Informationen
Cover Version Nein
GEMA-Frei Ja
CD/MP3 Alben 1
BPM div.
Dauer ca. 75 min.
Explicit Lyrics Nein
Kursart Faszientraining, Functional Training, Pilates, Reha, Rückengymnastik, Senior Fitness , Step Aerobic, Toning / Fatburner / BBP
Genre Chillout, Dance / Electronic / Club
"I am who I am" - the title of the new TriloChi stands for the joy of being, of life, of liveliness. Elaborate pop-oriented compositions convey lightness, dynamics and positive vibrations that invite movement. Suitable for all BodyMind and Toning classes.
Regular Price 39,90 CHF Ab 32,90 CHF
Inkl. 0% MwSt.
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