Weitere Informationen
Cover Version Nein
GEMA-Frei Nein
CD/MP3 Alben 1
BPM 118-130
Dauer ca. 77 min.
Explicit Lyrics Nein
Kursart Dance, Running / Walking, Senior Fitness , Step Aerobic, Toning / Fatburner / BBP
Genre 50s & 60s, 80s, Charts Hits / Pop, Disco / 70s, Oldies
Get ready to get your groove back! This mix of the most popular party hits from the 80s, 90s and 2000s will get your feet moving and your body grooving - Drums Alive style. This mix includes a 10-minute warm-up that gets the party going and encourages "dancing on the ceiling." EveryBODY comes alive with Drums Alive!
Ab 39,90 CHF
Inkl. 0% MwSt.
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